Topic 3: CV vs. Social Media ?

20150428150759-tips-maximize-synergy-social-media-content-marketing-twitter-facebook-linkedin-iconsCredit : Google

Does having one of the above apps helps you get a job?

Modern recruiters are now using social media as a gauge when evaluating potential employees.It is now an extra tool they can use to measure and recruit for the best employer-employee fit. (Dokko, G., Wilk, S., & Rothbard, N. 2008)

According to Social Recruiting Survey Results 2014, 73% of recruiters have hired a candidate through social media.

Is social media taking over traditional CVs? Yes!

fgSource : Social Recruiting Survey Results 2014

Recruiters are on 24/7 and use mobile to evaluate candidates anytime, anywhere. With social media capturing 30% of out time online, why not make use of it to create job opportunities! (statistics by globalwebindex)


“Creating a professional social profile”

With the rise of social media and ease of tracking an individual’s digital identity,
job candidates now need to take extra care in creating their own social profile. One should know how to promote themselves to create a good personal branding. A good personal branding has become increasing essential and critical as recruiters now look far beyond the traditional CVs and resumes.

“your tweet lives on forever.”

A negative image lives a long way. @JustineSacco left a tweet that raise racism issue and that left a scar in her forever. Little did she know that a tweet that was meant to be a casual joke was made her lose her job and a public shamer.

Thus it is important that one is mindful of the words and tone online as they are easily trackable.

” Get A Blog, Get A Job” 

Blogging has become a great way to share your perspectives, demonstrate your passion, enthusiasm  and the side of you that might not reflect on your resume. Writing and maintaining a blog on a regular basis may suggests to an employer, that you are dedicated to a task and it is also a great way to express creativity. Having a blog is not something everyone would have and this would make you stand out!

“Show your expertise”

Publish useful posts that reflect your expertise in a particular field , on your blog, linkedIn or other social media profiles. This helps to create a good personal brand!!


Make sure to use the same profile picture, name and biography across all social media sites. Being unified minimize uncertainties and credibility!!

In conclusion, digital profiles are a reflection of who we are and what we’re capable of. Use it  well to wow your recruiter on your social media and this would help you stand out against others.


  1. “How Blogging Can Help You Get A Job”. TheEmployable. N.p., 2016. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. 
  2. Ronson, Jon. “How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’S Life”. N.p., 2016. Web. 9 Nov. 2016.
  3. 2014 Social Recruiting Survey. 1st ed. Jobvite, 2014. Web. 9 Nov. 2016.
  4. “GWI Social: Q3 2016 | Flagship Report Series”. N.p., 2016. Web. 9 Nov. 2016.

4 thoughts on “Topic 3: CV vs. Social Media ?

  1. Hi Yang Ting,

    Like the way you categorized your information clearly and neatly into different headers for easier readings! Do agree with all the necessary steps that you’ve shared can help one to get ahead and create themselves a professional profile online.

    Noticed that you’ve mentioned “one should know how to promote themselves to create good personal branding”. In what ways one can create a good personal branding of themselves in a professional way so that it can won over its competitors and captures the recruiter’s heart? Also, blogging as mentioned is a great strategy to differentiate oneself from others. However, with countless of applications to vet through online, how many will really take the time and effort to read those lengthy posts on your blog? Thus, do you still think blog writing can help you to secure better job position? Love to hear your views on this as I myself are in doubt of this too! 😀


    1. Hello Wendy! sorry it took me until now to reply to your comment! Thanks for the compliment, I’m truly flattered (:

      Regarding how one can create a personal branding better than others, i feel that this all comes down to being down-to-earth, simple and rational. You don’t have to brag about all the achievements you’ve got!
      By using various social media, you can easily showcase what kind of person you are! NOTE: Your words can make or break your personal brand. Experts like Marie Forleo prove that just being you is one of the best weapons in your branding arsenal!

      Here’s a link that i found about good personal branding! You may take a look!

      How blogging aids your job hunt? And how can you ensure that your blog stands out from the rest?
      It is true that not all blogs will be read by recruiters, hence it is important that a blog leaves an impression. Even without reading the lengthy posts, one should at least make recruiters remember them!
      For example, a distinctive home page would cast an impression of you to the recruiters! Make it outstanding and different from others! The home page is the first thing a recruiter would see when they enter your blog, hence it is important that it is not ordinary!
      Next, even if they might not read all the posts in your blog, making the content relevant to the job and showcase your passion is important too. Who knows one day they might read your posts for reference checks!

      Lastly, i personally feel that blogging is a new way of expressing yourself instead of social medias! It allows other to know more about you through the expression in your words and images. It does add credits to your personal branding and it might be a critical aspect that helps secure your job!

      I hope I answered your questions and helped you better understand some of the points mentioned!!
      Thanks for reading my blog, Wendy! (:


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